
84 Pins
Easy DIY Easter Candle Craft.
Using any decorative paper napkin, remove first layer with print. Cut to your candle’s size then wrap. Wrap candle and napkin print with wax paper. Using a tea towel, hold the candle in one hand and use a blow dryer or iron to transfer napkin print to candle surface. Easy DIY candle craft.
4x Easy DIY Macrame Water Bottle Holder Tutorials by SilentKnot
Looking for a fun and functional Macrame project? Get started with 4 FREE beginner-friendly Macrame Water Bottle Holder tutorials by Macrame teacher Jamie of SilentKnot! You can choose from a DIY Macrame water bottle holder tutorial in the following 4 designs: Macrame Water Bottle Holder with Adjustable Strap, No Ring Macrame Water Bottle Holder, Drawstring Macrame Water Bottle Holder, Macrame Water Bottle Holder with Base Protection
Easy peasy: Spitzenuntersatz · Halbachblog
halbachblog I DIY I Kerzenuntersetzer I Baumwollspitze I Anleitung I Deckelrand mit Spitze bekleben