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Planning a party? Preparing for Memorial Day weekend? Add a fun twist to your party garnishes with this fun and easy parrot garnish made from a pineapple. Steps: 1) Cut off the top of the pineapple 2) Round out the top to form the head 3) Slice the leaves, leaving a few at the end for the tail 4) Cut off the section between the head and body; secure with a toothpick 5) Use a toothpick to add 2 leaves for arms, 1 carrot for a nose and 2 blueberries for eyes. Enjoy with your favorite beverage!
Joghurt-Bombe von sascia| Chefkoch
Joghurt - Bombe, ein gutes Rezept mit Bild aus der Kategorie Dessert. 854 Bewertungen: Ø 4,8. Tags: Dessert, Festlich, Frucht, Party, Sommer
Fun Food
funny food - lustiges essen für gross und klein creativ zubereitet
Blogevent: Zeig mir deinen besten Glücksrat! - Einhornbrot: Süße Brotstangen mit Kokos
Einhornbrot: Süße Brotstangen mit Kokos /// Unicorn bread - sweet bread sticks with coconut
Pandan Honeycomb Cake. A Vietnamese treat..Banh Bo Nuong
JULES FOOD...: Pandan Honeycomb Cake. A Vietnamese treat..Banh Bo Nuong