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myboshi – deine DIY-Zentrale für frische Handarbeitsideen
Kindermütze häkeln mit myboshi Anleitung Olaf
Olaf from Frozen Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Check out this amazing Olaf from Frozen! Olaf Crochet Amigurumi free pattern from www.1dogwoof.com
Gehäkelte Topflappen - Anleitung
Damit Sie sich die H�nde nicht an hei�en T�pfen und Auflaufformen verbrennen, sind Topflappen unverzichtbare Begleiter in Ihrer K�che. Unsere Anleitung zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die sch�nen wei�en Topflappen ganz einfach selber nachh�keln k�nnen - Schritt f�r Schritt.
Tulip Hat and Cocoon
Tulip Cocoon and Hat - Any little baby would be nice and snugly in this crochet pattern, so whip one up today.
The spiral effect
Spiral crochet hat - would love to make one like this that was also one of those big slouchy hats.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Belt purse - crochet... now this is cool! I can definitely see making these, and picking up a bunch of belts at garage sales this summer would be a snap!
Free tutorial–Granny Square crochet/fabric Dress (Mon Petit Violon)
Free tutorial crochet dress pattern, crochet / fabric dress, granny square dress pattern, monpetitviolon
DIY Crochet Bathroom Door Organizer
DIY Crochet Bathroom Door Organizer - instructions in the August 2013 issue of Crochet World, or, you can download it here for a small sum http://www.anniescatalog.com/detail.html?code=AM01213_medium=affiliate_source=cj=CJAAFF.