Infographics & Data Visualization

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How To Think Visually Using Visual Analogies - Infographic - Adioma
How To Think Visually Using Visual AnalogiesVisual analogy is a powerful problem solving strategy that can help explain new and non-routine problems in terms of familiar ones. To date, however, few researches have given enough attention to visual analogy and visual displays in design contexts.Here is classification that helps me to solve non-routine information design problems while using familiar knowledge structures. [[MORE]]Charts and DiagramsThis most abstract types of visualization help...
Virtual Depictions: San Francisco / Public Art Project
Public art commission for 350 Mission Building in City of San Francisco, California. ‘Virtual Depictions:San Francisco’ is a public art project by…
Why Are so Many Babies Born around 8:00 A.M.?
Data visualization engineer Zan Armstrong takes a close look at human birth patterns.
Quadrature Satelliten
Quadrature — Satelliten
Dominikus Baur - Data Visualization: Data Futures
Data Futures is a live experiment about the connections between our data and ourselves. It is run in conference settings, with a large, real-time visualization on a projector, two moderators (Daniel and me) and the participants' smartphones. The audience is guided by their friendly hosts through a…
moovel lab visualisiert mit der Installation TRAJECTORIES alltägliches urbanes Mobilitätsverhalten | Mercedes-Benz Passion Blog / Mercedes Benz, smart, Maybach, AMG & EQ | MBpassion
wax maps printer
SWANH.NET - SWANH.NET Star Wars Infographic
Infographic adaptation of Star Wars A New Hope, 123m (403.5 ft) of scrolling