Family vacation in GaPa

Planning your family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen? There are many child-friendly things to do in both summer and winter. GaPa is perfect for a family vacation and children will love the many activities the Bavarian Alps in Southern Germany offer - everything from hiking, biking, climbing and swimming in the lakes to skiing, sledding, snowshoeing and other winter sports.
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Gesundheitstipp des Monats August
Auf der spannenden Entdeckungsreise durch Garmisch-Partenkirchen lernt ihr den Ort und seine nähere Umgebung auf spielerische Art und Weise kennen. Entdeckt an insgesamt 10 Stationen Sehenswürdigkeiten, ihre Geschichte und spannende Tipps mit unserem Stempel-Büchlein oder auch digital auf der Website. Hol dir dein Stempelheft in der Tourist-Info am Richard-Strauss-Platz ab und mache dich auf Entdeckungstour durch GaPa. An jeder der 10 Stationen findest du ein Holzkästchen mit einem Stempel. Suche im Heft den passenden Platz für den Stempelabdruck, der zur Station gehört. Hast du mindestens 5 Stempel gesammelt, wartet in der Tourist- Info eine tolle Belohnung auf dich – lass dich überraschen!
Cycling & mountain biking | Exploring Garmisch-Partenkirchen on two wheels
Leisurely and relaxed biking fun past blooming Alpine meadows or action-packed endurance sport – biking in Garmisch-Partenkirchen is an all-round experience for every pedal-pusher! No wonder the signposted trail network is so popular with bikers of all kinds. More than 453 kilometres offer something for every two-wheel enthusiast: relaxed excursion with the little ones, challenging mountain tour or speedy downhill trip. #garmischpartenkirchen #gapa #bavaria #germany
Family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
When it comes to perfect holidays with kids, everything points to Garmisch-Partenkirchen as the perfect destination. Even if your ideas of a perfect holiday differ sometimes: That’s where all family members will find common ground. While biking, skiing, swimming or sledging: The kids as well as Mum and Dad will have tons of fun. In summer or in winter, holiday memories will be made that you’ll love to reminisce. #garmischpartenkirchen #gapa #bavaria #germany
Family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
When it comes to perfect holidays with kids, everything points to Garmisch-Partenkirchen as the perfect destination. Even if your ideas of a perfect holiday differ sometimes: That’s where all family members will find common ground. While biking, skiing, swimming or sledging: The kids as well as Mum and Dad will have tons of fun. In summer or in winter, holiday memories will be made that you’ll love to reminisce. #garmischpartenkirchen #gapa #bavaria #germany
Family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
When it comes to perfect holidays with kids, everything points to Garmisch-Partenkirchen as the perfect destination. Even if your ideas of a perfect holiday differ sometimes: That’s where all family members will find common ground. While biking, skiing, swimming or sledging: The kids as well as Mum and Dad will have tons of fun. In summer or in winter, holiday memories will be made that you’ll love to reminisce. #garmischpartenkirchen #gapa #bavaria #germany
Family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
When it comes to perfect holidays with kids, everything points to Garmisch-Partenkirchen as the perfect destination. Even if your ideas of a perfect holiday differ sometimes: That’s where all family members will find common ground. While biking, skiing, swimming or sledging: The kids as well as Mum and Dad will have tons of fun. In summer or in winter, holiday memories will be made that you’ll love to reminisce. #garmischpartenkirchen #gapa #bavaria #germany
Family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
When it comes to perfect holidays with kids, everything points to Garmisch-Partenkirchen as the perfect destination. Even if your ideas of a perfect holiday differ sometimes: That’s where all family members will find common ground. While biking, skiing, swimming or sledging: The kids as well as Mum and Dad will have tons of fun. In summer or in winter, holiday memories will be made that you’ll love to reminisce. #garmischpartenkirchen #gapa #bavaria #germany
Kainzenbad - Gemeindewerke Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Erstmals erwähnt wurde das Traditionsbad 1924 - zuerst als Kurbad und seit 1928 als Freibad. Hier kannst du auf der 34.000 m² großen Fläche den Sommer genießen und dich im Naturwasserbecken erfrischen.Das Kainzenbad hat außerdem einen Sprungturm und zwei Wasserrutschen, Beachvolleyballplätze, einen Tischtennisplatz und eine riesige Spielwiese sowie ein Kinderbecken, einen großen Sandkasten und Kinderschaukeln.
Tobogganing & Night Tobogganing | Zugspitz Arena Bavaria - Tyrol
TOBOGGANING FUN... make way for sledge rides by day or night. Your face is covered with snow, you have clumps of ice in your hair and your cheeks are glowing - tobogganing is a very special experience in winter and should not be missing from any holiday! You have many options around the Zugspitze. Whether on the slopes, nature trails or prepared toboggan runs - Sledding is simply great fun!
Family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Family holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Unforgettable days for kids and adults. When it comes to perfect holidays with kids, everything points to Garmisch-Partenkirchen as the perfect destination. While biking, skiing, swimming or sledging: The kids as well as Mum and Dad will have tons of fun. In summer or in winter, between the Zugspitze and the Karwendel, holiday memories will be made that you’ll love to reminisce.
Family vacation in the mountains
Discover a stamp ralley for kids, lots of playgrounds with beautiful scenery and hikes for all ages around Garmisch-Partenkirchen!