
244 Pins
Tips on Tuesdays! -> Binding
My Sweet Prairie: Tips on Tuesdays! -> Binding
Cheater Binding! One of those tutorials that makes you say "duh, why didn't I think of that?".
Moda... the Cutting Table: Quick Reference Guide
Don't know how much fabric to purchase for the back of your quilt? This Quilt Yardage Quick Reference Guide is for you. Print it out and take it to the store. DLW
Helpful Charts - The Sassy Quilter
Charts - quilt size chart from Sassy Quilter- go to her site for more charts
Yardage Chart-PDF - The Lost Apron
Yardage Chart - So much easier than standing at the cutting table trying to figure it out ;)
DIY Patchwork Leseknochen | nähen & selbermachen | waseigenes
DIY Patchwork Leseknochen nähen // was eigenes blog
Little boxy pouch tutorial.
Kleine Patchwork Box mit Reißverschluss diy tutorial :: Little boxy pouch tutorial
Anleitung Patchworkdecke nähen, Teil 2, von Pech&Schwefel
Patchworkdecke nähen Anleitung Teil 2 Reihen legen2
Nähen & Handarbeit -
DIY-Anleitung: Einfache Patchworkdecke in Pastellfarben nähen via
Petal cushions Tutorial. Patchwork
Petal cushions Tutorial. Patchwork
Tutorial Patchworkdecke Teil 1- Vom Stoff bis zum Muster
Pech&Schwefel: Tutorial Patchworkdecke Teil 1- Vom Stoff bis zum Muster
Quilting Lessons: The Basics of Nesting Seams
Do you nest your seams? Assemble your quilt top with more accuracy by learning the the power of nesting seams in patchwork.