
To Sock Or Not To Sock - Advice For The Modern Groom
To sock or not to sock, that is the question. Socks are a great way for men to add colour and express themselves a little within their outfit. However, socks are very much an optional accessory. Our menswear style partner Justus Hansen from Hansen & Lohrey says that in the warmer weather the stylish gentleman wears no socks!⠀
Looking Dapper On Your Big Day - Accessories For Men
To sock or not to sock, that is the question. Socks are a great way for men to add colour and express themselves a little within their outfit. However, socks are very much an optional accessory. Our menswear style partner Justus Hansen from Hansen & Lohrey says that in the warmer weather the stylish gentleman wears no socks!⠀
Looking Dapper On Your Big Day - Menswear Advice for Grooms
A properly fitted suit makes all the difference to how it looks and feels and accessories allow you to bring a little of your personality to the outfit. It might seem that choices in menswear are limited, and they certainly are when compared with what women can choose from, but if you spend time curating an outfit the end result will be something really special.⠀⠀
Bow Tie or No Tie?
When thinking of wedding attire, I think it is fair to say that most often our thoughts focus on the wedding dress. All too often the groom’s attire is an afterthought - whatever goes with the look that the bride has decided upon, or maybe even what is already in the closet. This is fine for some grooms, but an interest in fashion and style is becoming more and more popular amongst men. What is your style? Are you a bow tie or a no tie guy?
Styling for Grooms
I love to support our grooms just as much as I do our brides. I sat down recently with Justus Hansen from Hansen & Lorey Stilberatung für Männer to discuss how we might work together to support the new, style conscious, generation of grooms.
Styling for Grooms - Attention to Details
Menswear styling influencer Justus Hansen pays attention to the details when putting together an outfit and says Groom should do the same.
Wedding Attire with Menswear Influencer Justus Hansen
The modern groom should invest in time to find the right outfit. Feeling comfortable and confident in how you look will allow you to relax and enjoy the day. In years to come, as you look back at your wedding photos, you will be thankful that you did.