embroider - Assisi

Europe - Italy/Umbria, Assisi
74 Pins
1 Section
Assisi embroidery - Free Cross-stitch patterns
Assisi embroidery is a form of counted-thread embroidery based on an ancient Italian needlework tradition in which the background is filled with embroidery.
Assisi Embroideries from the DMC Library - Pintangle
Assisi Embroideries from the DMC Library - Pintangle
Ogni estate finisco per leggere un romanzo di Tracy Chevalier, mio malgrado, inizialmente, perchè la trovavo un po' cruda e vagamente ...
Lavori veloci a punto assisi
La Cesta dei lavori di Loredana - Lavori veloci a punto assisi
Vintage Tablecloth Runner Ecru / Green Cypress Embroidery Cross-stitch - Serving Supplies Home Decor 1970's
Tovaglia vintage Runner Ecru / verde cipresso ricamo a punto
���� #175 - ����� �� ����� ���� - Tinna111
(14) Gallery.ru / Фото #21 - Схемы на любой вкус - Tinna111
���� #34 - Assisi Embroideries - Dora2012
Gallery.ru / Фото #34 - Assisi Embroideries - Dora2012
���� #36 - Assisi Embroideries - Dora2012
Gallery.ru / Фото #36 - Assisi Embroideries - Dora2012
Assissi work, new and old - It Was A Work of Craft
Assissi work, new and old