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Sold at Auction: AUS DEM BESITZ DER GRÄFIN PAULINE V. WÜRTTEMBERG: Krone in Form einer Grafenkrone, RG 14K/Silber, ca. 205 Diam.-Rosen, und 4 Altschliff Diam. zus. ca. 5 ct u. 9 größere u. 5 kleinere barocke weiße-hellcremefarbene Naturperlen,
A coronet from the estate of the Countess Pauline von Württemberg, 14k rose gold, silver, about 205 rose cut and old cut diamonds, total approx. 5 ct, 9 larger baroque natural pearls, 5 small pearls, ca. 1880, original case
Brudkrona i guld stals i Färingtofta kyrka
Den stulna brudkronan är framställd...
Cicy ChingPiece: From the Shrinking Distances series 2006Enamel, silver88 x 29 x 7.5 cmPhoto by Eva Chan
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Miltons Guld - Smycken, guld, juveler, egen design och smyckestillverkning
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Created by Nicola Pulvertaft, designer and owner of new jewellery brand Powder Hill, two sapphire-set crowns are perfect scaled-down replicas of the crown worn by the king of Bavaria.
Objekt 332
Crafoord auktioner - Objekt 332
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"Eva Huss krona" - skapad av silversmeden Anna-Stina Åberg.