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nordiske guder – Lex
Ragnarok, egl. gudernes skæbne, i nordisk mytologi forestillingen om verdens undergang. I digtet Vølvens spådom skildret som en vældig kamp mellem aser (guder) og jætter. Fra Nordiske gude- og heltesagn fortalt for børn i Christian Højgaards streg
Игорь Ожиганов художник. Славянская мифология
Игорь Ожиганов художник. Славянская мифология
norse mythology | Tumblr
Ragnarok: the end of the world in Norse mythology, and is to be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter of winters (three winters will follow each other with no summer in between) and several other events. The wolf Skoll will devour the sun, and his brother Hati the moon, plunging the world into darkness. Three roosters will crow to the giants, gods, and raise the dead respectively.