viking norway

210 Pins
Tromsø Viking Women's Oval Brooches. From a late 7th-early 8th century CE. The…
Hette fra Skjoldehamn-funnet | Prosjekt Fritid
Superb description of the stitches on the Skjoldehamn hood by Raaness. (I…
Bridgeman Images
Selection of jewellery found at Hoen, Norway (gold and semi-precious stones)…
Guess a woman from Kostrop emigrated to the British Isles
STOCK IMAGE - Viking gold spur in the 'Borre' style, Norway, late 9th - early 10th century. Artist: Werner Forman by
Viking gold spur in the 'Borre' style, from Vaerne Kloster Rod, Norway, late 9th…
Viking Floral Turtle Brooches - TB07
Based on a piece from Snasen, Nord-Trondelag, Norway (Oslo C.755) an example…
eqos's DeviantArt favourites
viking tweezers and ear spoon
The Oseberg Viking ship burial | Irish Archaeology
Oseberg viking bucket. This bucket was one of several found on on the ship…
Mittelalter-Shop - PERA PERIS Shop
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