Mandalas - 531 pins

Mandalas --- 531 Pins
543 Pins
About Mandalas
Mandalas speak to the soul. They are art, yet they are more than art, the same way we are each our selves, and yet we …
Venus orbits the Sun 13 times for every 8 Earth orbits. If you track the relative positions of Earth and Venus over an 8 year period, this is the resulting pattern.
Shakyamuni Buddha Mandala with Five Dhyani Buddhas | Exotic India Art
Shakyamuni-Buddha-Mandala with Five Dhyani-Buddhas
༄ spiral out This would be a challenge to figure out how to paint this.
Chakrasamvara Mandala | Nepal | Thakuri–early Malla periods | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Chakrasamvara Mandala, ca. 1100. Nepal. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Rogers Fund, 1995 (1995.233) | This mandala, or ritual diagram, is conceived as the palace of the wrathful Chakrasamvara and his consort Vajravarahi, seen together at the center of the composition. These deities are important to the Newar tradition of Nepal as well as in Tibet, embodying the esoteric knowledge of Buddhist texts, the Yoga Tantras. #Buddhism