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92 Pins
This may contain: two hands are pulling up the ends of macrame rope to hang it on a coat rack
DIY Makramee Anleitung | Knotentechnik | Makramee Tutorial | Wandbehang | Boho Stil | Wohndekor
Makramee Wandbehänge und Wandteppiche im angesagten Boho Stil dürfen in diesem Jahr in keinem Zuhause mehr fehlen! Wenn du dich selbst beim Knüpfen ausprobieren möchtest, lass dich hier von meinen DIY Makramee Anleitungen für Knotentechniken inspirieren! Material: • Naturholz | Treibholz • Makramee Garn 4mm geflochten
This may contain: two hands are pulling the end of a piece of yarn off of a wooden stick
Mais um tutorial facinho para vocês 😀 Macramê 🔆 Encomendas 📳 21-99287-1819
Difficulty: Easy Materiais: • Corda de algodão ou barbante *na espessura que desejar • base de madeira ou argola
We're going to weave macrame. ABC. Xhosa. / Плетём макраме. Основы. Коса.
Video van @studio__gaia . #macrame#fiberartcommunity #macrametutorial #macrameknots #macramedesign #diymacrame #learnmacrame #macrameforbeginners #macrameschool #howtomacrame #macrameknots #diymacrame #tutorial #macrameknots #macrameknopen #cursomacrame #macramepatroon #macramepattern
Square Knot Tutorial
Follow along with this quick macrame square knot tutorial. If you'd like more macrame tutorials including wall hangings and home decor, click on the link.