DIY Kids Activities Group Inspiration

Bringing together the best DIY kids crafts and activities to inspire all! We are accepting collaborators to this board. Please note that this is not a sales board! Please do not post multiple times of the same pin and content must be related to kids crafts, activities and DIY projects. Other pins will be removed. Don't forget to share the love by repinning images you love!
4,682 Pins
Super-sized word search: a learning game for all ages - The Many Little Joys
This giant search-and-find learning game is super low prep, and can be used to teach kids just about anything: letters, numbers, sight words, and more!
Money Bingo: A fun way to teach kids coin values - The Many Little Joys
Teach your kids essential money skills and coin identification with this simple and fun printable money bingo game!
Why every child needs an inventor box + how to create one - The Many Little Joys
Forget buying kids expensive toys…instead, create a no-cost inventor box (AKA - tinker box) that will inspire endless hours of creative play.
The Bowl Game: My super simple favorite for family game night
Need new ideas for family game night? You’ll love “The Bowl Game”…a family favorite that’s quick to learn, easy to adapt for all ages, and quite possibly ridiculous!
Free Superhero Bingo Printable and Superhero Printable Pack | Making Life Blissful
Free Printable Superhero Bingo & Superhero Printable Activity Pack
Are Home Science Kits Worth the Money? | Making Life Blissful
Are Home Science Kits Worth the Money? 04/24/2024
Winter Basteln mit Kindern: Gestempelte Pinguine
Eine kreative Beschäftigung & Verpackungsidee für die Winterzeit, die zudem ganz umweltfreundlich ist und den Geldbeutel schont: Diese Geschenk Anhänger sind schnell selbst gemacht und machen jedes Mitbringsel zu einem Hingucker 🐧🐧🐧 #corks #stamping #crafting #kids #children #simple
Bastelidee für Kinder: 3D Pinguin aus Klorolle, Zeitung & Karton basteln
Eine kreative Upcycling Idee für die Winterzeit: 3D Pinguine aus Klorollen 🐧 #cardboard #tubes #tproll #snowflakes
6 fabulous story podcasts for kids - The Many Little Joys
Whether on car rides, before bed, or anytime in between, these story podcasts for kids will become your family's new favorite pastime!
"Trace the alphabet" scavenger hunt (upper and lowercase) - The Many Little Joys
Turn boring handwriting practice into a fun game with this free printable "trace the alphabet" scavenger hunt activity for beginning writers.
Free Printable Alphabet Bingo: A fun game to help kids learn their ABCs! - The Many Little Joys
Make learning fun with this simple, free literacy activity! It's a perfect way to practice letter recognition, sounds, and other critical alphabet skills with preschool and kindergarten-age kids. Download it for FREE!
Dice Wars: A simple & fun math game for kids - The Many Little Joys
This simple and fun math game is a great way to help preschoolers (and older kids, too!) practice counting, addition, and other basic math skills while competing to win the “dice wars.” Disclaimer: This post is completely unsponsored; however, I have included affiliate links to the products mentioned. As always, feel free to shop around...Read More
Stempel & Bastelidee für Kinder: Pinguin Quintett
Diese Bastelidee ist kinderleicht und macht nicht nur im Winter Spaß - aus Pappe, Farbe und Handabdruck kann man ganz leicht eine fröhliche Pinguin Familie selbermachen #teacher #art #work #südpol #animals
Basteln mit Kindern im Winter: Upcycling Schneeflocken als Deko
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen... Niedliche Bastelidee zum Selbermachen für Kinder: Anhänger mit Schneeflocken #tag #tags #gift #creative #snowflake