
37 Pins
Rose Hair Tarantula - Grammostola rosea An stunning picture of the Rose Hair Tarantula, Grammostola rosea (Araneae - Theraphosidae), native to Northern Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. It is a medium sized tarantula with up to 15 cm in leg span, which gets its name from the red/pink hairs covering a fairly dully colored body. Several color forms exist, which were originally thought to be different species, and has led to some confusion in both the binomial and common names. Like all ...
Colorful Tarantulas | Versicolor Tarantula. This is what ours looks like, but mine is still a juvenile and smaller in size
Xenesthis intermedia
Xenesthis intermedia
The Top 10 Gothic Pets - Gothic Angel Clothing
Mature male platyomma tarantula, photo by Roberta Grace
Venezuelan Suntiger / this one just looks like it would be soft to pet! But ... I'd still be chicken! (:
Yahoo Image Search
Mombasa Golden Starburst Baboon Tarantula - Pterinochilus murinus ... or as we lovingly call them ... orange bitey things ...OBT! LOL!
The Tarantula Page
Encyocratella STRAND 1907 – old world tarantulas
Encyocratella olivacea
Bildergebnis für heteroscodra maculata
Poecilotheria Regalis Tarantula
@youngshizzle ♔
Harpactira AUSSERER 1871 – old world tarantulas
Harpactira dictator