
70 Pins
This may contain: a vase filled with flowers on top of a wooden table next to a planter
Hasen aus Holz 5-Min-Osterdeko
DIY Spring Birds from toilet rolls!⁠
When all is gray and cold, colourful tweetybirds will brighten your day. Toilet paper rolls are a fantastic, simple craft base, and best of all: you already have them at home. Get in the habit of saving toilet paper rolls so that you always have a base to start from. Here, we turned them into beautiful birds using a bit of paint and Allround Markers. Paint and decorate the birds from your imagination!
Diy-spring Decoratie-Ibiza- Home Ibiza-style-Ibiza-vibes beach diy boho easter bunny bohemain
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This may contain: a pink doughnut sitting on top of a wooden table with the words diy wolken knete
DIY Wolken Knete ☁️🤩 | Einfaches Rezept aus nur 2 Zutaten | Kinder Spielrezept
DIY Papiersterne und weihnachtlicher Blumenstrauß
Papiersterne für die Weihnachtsdeko selber falten mit Vorlage zum Download auch für Silhouette Cameo
Tip pro Ježíška ❤️
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