places I'd like to visit

I would like to travel with others. Are there any out there who could accept to discover the world together? Hey, let me know. I have plenty of time. Whenever I don't have my daughter with me (we are travelling during all her vacations), I am ready to walk across mountains, through deserts, climb trees and rocks, sail across the sea and drive my van across dust roads and mountain passes. - Send me a note. - I show you Europe. - You show me your country or continent.
117 Pins
Naked Earth - Mývatn Geothermal Peninsula, north Iceland
Naked Earth - Mývatn Geothermal Peninsula, north Iceland
The Colossi of Memnon (known to locals as el-Colossat, or es-Salamat) are two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. For 3,400 years they have sat in the Theban necropolis, across the River Nile from the city of Luxor.
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Dead Sea contains 26 essential minerals, twelve of the Dead Sea minerals do not exist in any other sea or ocean in the world.