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Krafttraining für Rennradfahrer und Triathleten - 5 top Übungen
The Top Exercises For The back muscles | Project NEXT
Whatever you think about the chest and biceps, it’s the back muscles that really show how strong you are. They give the classic v-shape that is admired by women on beaches everywhere. The back muscles consist of: Latissimus Dorsi: This is the triangular shaped muscle that goes from your waist…
Bent over two arm dumbbell row. A major compound exercise! Target muscle: None. Multiple back, arm, and shoulder muscles work synergistically. Synergistic muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Posterior Deltoid, Middle and Lower Trapezius, Rhomboids, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, and Sternal (Lower) Pectoralis Major. The Biceps Brachii and the Long Head of the Triceps Brachii act as dynamic stabilizers.
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Visit http://workoutlabs.com/workout-plans/big-arms-workout-with-biceps-and-triceps-exercises-printable-routine/ for a FREE PDF of this Bog Arms Bicep and Tricep printable workout with easy-to-follow exercise illustrations.: | See more about Big Arm Workout, Workout and Printable Workouts.
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Want a flatter tummy? Go for these 8 Hardcore Abs Exercises to tone your abs & burn belly fat. Re-pin, now, check later. #abschallenge #absworkout:
The 4 Best Exercises To Create 3D Shoulders - GymGuider.com
Shoulder workout & exercises. Looking for shoulder-growing guidance? This article will educate you on the shoulder muscles as well as offer several different shoulder workouts. Did you know that the most moveable and unstable joint in the body is the shoulder? Here are exercises to keep your shoulders strong and flexible.
7 Core Exercises for Killer Abs
Looking for flat abs? Look no further than these 7 great plank exercises you can do at home! Best core workouts // best ab workouts // how to strengthen my core // how to lose weight fast // flat abs exercises // Beachbody // Beachbody Blog