Make-up Tipps

17 Pins
Beauty Palmira: Disney Collection König der Löwen "Scar"
Black and White, Site in German with product list
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nude for green eyes... Could someone translate this for me?
Fashion Freax - Clothing trends and news
natural look makeup application
Der ultimative Concealer Trick: deine Augenringe abdecken wie ein Profi
Lerne deine Augenringe abzudecken wie ein Profi, welche Concealerfarben deine Verfärbung perfekt neutralisiert und welche Technik notwendig ist für ein makelloses Ergebnis!
20 Beauty Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making
And how to FIX them!! Lots of pictures and tutorials. | 20 Beauty Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making
11 Incredibly Helpful Makeup Tips And Secrets That Definitely Worth Trying
Full lips
17 Satisfying Ways To Clean Everything In Your Makeup Bag
Swirl your makeup brushes in a DIY mixture of dish soap and olive oil for a like-new feel. | 17 Satisfying Ways To Clean Everything In Your Makeup Bag