Blowing in the Wind

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| A N O M A L I E N | 2 0 0 9 |
She stood in the storm, And when the wind Did not blow her away, She adjusted her sails
What Your Body Tells You About Your Emotional State
“The major crisis of the human race is not of raising our IQs, it is one of elevating our WILL quotients. We must will ourselves to happiness, and thereby experience true health.” -Bruce Lipton
Striking ink illustrations by Nanami Cowdroy
Nanami Cowdroy creates pen and ink art works that combine her Japanese and European heritage with a modern sensibility.
Mikael's Playground
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting;The Soul that rises with us, our Life's Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, And cometh from afar. | William Wordsworth