Israel / Reise Report

individuell unterwegs in Israel, antike Stätten, moderne Städte, aufgeschlossene Menschen, mehr Israel:
78 Pins
Roadtrip durch Israel - Tipps & Kurioses | Movin'n'Groovin
Für alle, die auch einen Roadtrip durch Israel planen – nachfolgend ein paar nützliche Hinweise und Kuriositäten, die uns unterwegs begegneten. Eins vorweg: Israel ist perfekt geeignet für einen Roadtrip! Kleines Land, kurze Wege, schöne Landschaft, tolle Straßen…
The Church of Mary Magdalene, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Olive Tree in the Garden of Gethsemane ~ Jerusalem, Israel El olivo es una especie que puede alcanzar hasta los 2.000 años de vida. ¿ Alguno de los actuales olivos, habrá brotado gracias a las Divinas lágrimas de Nuestro Salvador ?
Yahshua el MashiYah Único Salvador.
(Caesarea Aqueduct). Ancient Roman Aqueduct, Caesarea, Israel. The aqueduct that brought it freshwater might be Caesarea Maritima's most spectacular ruin. But the city that the biblical King Herod had built on Israel's Mediterranean shores was, above all, a seaport.
30 Things To Do in Jerusalem, Israel
Best things to do in Jerusalem, Israel. 30 things to see and do in this amazing city. This is the list I wish I had before arriving in Israel.
Caesarea, Israel. Here Herod Agrippa let the people call him a god, and was struck down and eaten by worms.
What To Do In Israel
Planning a trip to Israel? Not sure where to start or what to do in Israel? We…
Sea of Galilee — Tiberias, Hippos, Jesus & animals staring at me
Learn all about visiting the Sea of Galilee and which sites to see for a glimpse of ancient Roman life, Biblical history, and stunning nature.
Unterwegs in Israel, unsere Reise beginnt in Eilat am Roten Meer