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Free Pattern Friday! Kitty Bean Plush
Hi everyone! This week I’ve made up a pattern that was inspired by the adorable Tsum Tsum plushies you see from Disney. I love the simple, stackable shape of their bodies so I created something sim…
Nilpferdkissen Nähanleitung
Nilpferd, Kissen, Hippo, Kuscheltier, Nähen, Stoff, Anleitung, selber machen, tutorial, Schnittmuster, einfach, schnell, Anfänger, Geschenk, Kinder, Baby, sewing, nähen, diy, handmade, selfmade, nähanleitung, basteln, günstig, kostenlos
FreE-Book Wolkenkissen
Gratis Anleitung: Kissen Wolke selber nähen - Schnittmuster und Nähanleitung via Makerist.de
Kaktus, Schnittmuster, pdf Schnittmuster, sofort download, Filzblumen, Nadelkissen, Sukkulente, Kaktus Schnittmuster - Etsy.de
Totally cactus: Cactus pin cushion, cactus sewing PDF, easy cactus sewing pattern, cactus plush, cactus softie, cactus toy This little cactus friend can be made as a toy to snuggle or as a pincushion. With stuffing pellets in the base, he will stand at attention in your sewing room, holding all your pins for you. He can be made in felt, fleece or cotton fabric - whichever you prefer. he is the perfect gift for the crafter in your life ! The plastic glasses in the photo were purchased to fit...
Kaktus aus Filz - Der Erste - deschdanja.ch
Tutorial: How to sew a felt cactus pincushion, www.deschdanja.ch
Amazon.de: Pferde: Haustier: Sattel- & Zaumzeug, Pferdeausstattung, Decken, Fell- & Hufpflege, Gesundheit und mehr
Elephantastic! How to Sew an Elephant? Tutorial
Dolphin Plush Sewing Pattern by SewDesuNe on DeviantArt
BLOG ETSY TUMBLR FACEBOOK On my website I'm doing a series where I'm destashing my huge collection of scrap fabrics. ^-^ With every scrap I use up I make up a new little project for it, then give a...
New Product! Cut & Sew Bat Plush
New Product! Cut & Sew Bat Plush | Choly Knight
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Besuche den Beitrag für mehr Info. #Einhorn #Kissen
Großer Wal zum Kuscheln - gratis DIY Anleitung & Schnittmuster
Cute pattern with tutorial