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use lights and idea for blue prints of museum, little Italy, bulk of collection areas etc. Calvin Klein's fashion exhibition | EXHIBITION . DESIGN | Museum exhibition design, Museum exhibition, Exhibition display
use lights and idea for blue prints of museum, little Italy, bulk of collection areas etc. Calvin Klein's fashion exhibition:
Loreak curates its store window like a 3D magazine
Sleek white walls and jagged volumes become editorial background in apparel brand Loreak’s store design by Pensando en Blanco.
Bonsoir Paris
Bonsoir Paris March 2017 - Selfridges, Londres For the re­birth of Fiorucci, the Ital­ian born and raised iconic denim brand in­ter­ro­gated our stu­dio to re­think their ar­chi­tec­tural codes and re­tail spaces. An­a­lyz­ing what the val­ues the...