Lampen DIY

252 Pins
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step - IKEA Hackers
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step 2
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step - IKEA Hackers
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step 3
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step - IKEA Hackers
The MASKROS lamp is an instantly recognisable piece. It screams IKEA. Luckily for us, it's also super hackable. Here is a quick and easy IKEA MASKROS hack
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step - IKEA Hackers
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step 7
Transform the IKEA Maskros in one step - IKEA Hackers
IKEA Maskros hack