CES 2014 - Samsung

Samsung's Exhibition Hall, designed by MDLab.
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Samsung Booth Tour - CES 2014
Samsung Booth Tour - CES 2014
Main Entrance of Samsung booth CES 2014 Samsung Booth by MDLab - Design Team Munich #MDLab #Samsung #CES2014 #Design #Architecture
CES 2014 Samsung Booth Design by MDLab Thanks to http://finedesignassociates.com for the great pictures
Samsung made a splash with a booth that gizmodo.com called the best of C.E.S. It felt "like you were in a Disney Tomorrowland funhouse stuffed with the toys of the future that you can play with today," wrote editor Roberto Baldwin.
Samsung made a splash with a booth that gizmodo.com called the best of C.E.S. It felt "like you were in a Disney Tomorrowland funhouse stuffed with the toys of the future that you can play with today," wrote editor Roberto Baldwin. Photo: Jacob Kepler for BizBash
People taking pictures CES 2014 Samsung Booth by MDLab - Design Team Munich #MDLab #Samsung #CES2014 #Design #Architecture Picture by MDLab
The Discovery Avenue CES 2014 Samsung Booth by MDLab - Design Team Munich #MDLab #Samsung #CES2014 #Design #Architecture Picture by MDLab
SAMSUNG CURVED TV UHD in 4K CES 2014 Samsung Booth by MDLab - Design Team Munich #MDLab #Samsung #CES2014 #Design #Architecture Picture by MDLab
MDLab - Munich Design and Architecture - #MDLab Samsung Ultra HD Television at #CES2014 Via Twitter @SamsungCanada
MDLab - Munich Design and Architecture - #MDLab Samsung - one of the coolest exhibits at #ces2014
MDLab - Munich Design and Architecture - #MDLab Samsung CES2014