
46 Pins
Make your own Mold for Concrete - Part 1
Make your own mold for concrete, pour your own concrete objects, It's quite easy to do using this recipe for mold making material
Concrete Jar with Lid
These contemporary decorative pieces will add a touch of industrial style to your home this season.
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Custom Concrete Cube Planter
Custom Concrete Cube Planter by MDC Interiors on Scoutmob Shoppe
Aftcra Closing Announcement
Concrete Coasters with Gold - Set of Four - Four handmade concrete coasters with metallic gold paint detail. Set comes with cork pads to protect furniture surfaces. Great gift idea for Christmas, Housewarming party or to selfishly keep for yourself (because I totally would)...
Vasen -
Vasen - Vase Glas in Beton - ein Designerstück von Betoengchen bei DaWanda
Déco de jardin DIY en béton – 33 belles idées
déco de jardin en béton - des porte-bougies ovales décorés de cailloux et mousse
DIY garden decor ideas - 6 projects for yard and patio
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How To Make a 1 Piece Silicone Cut Mold
Exploring the world of mold making doesn't need to be difficult. Learn how to create a one piece silicone mold with our most recent infographic. #casting #smoothon #silicone
Concrete Jar with Lid
These contemporary decorative pieces will add a touch of industrial style to your home this season.
בטון מוטבע בתחרה - הדרכה | Evenyaru
DIY Laced Concrete |
22 DIY concrete projects and creative ideas for your garden
diy concrete candle holder milk carton tape
22 DIY concrete projects and creative ideas for your garden
diy concrete planter glass mosaic decor patio