Chakra - Third Eye / 6th / Indigo

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Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.
The Strengths Within You – a life course to awaken your full potential
Third Eye Chakra, Third Eye Chakra Healing, Third Eye Chakra and your Thoughts
Hélène Avérous
THIRD EYE: Focuses on our ability to analyze, think, reason, perceive, understand, discern, dream, imagine and visualize... It is the center of personal inner vision
Ajna - third eye chakra mudra by Nachaya Campbell-Allen | Redbubble
Ajna - third eye chakra mudra by Tilly Campbell-Allen
Tilly Campbell-Allen Art
°Ajna - Third Eye Chakra Mudra by Tilly Campbell-Allen
Chakra Affirmation Wallpapers for iPhone — Angelina Samadhi
Third Eye Chakra Healing Affirmations – chakra affirmations, chakras, energy, healing, blockages, affirmations, positive affirmations, growth, om
sacral chakra sound
browl chakra chart - Google Search
Gift of Sensitivity
Chakra, Chakra Balancing, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown, Chakra meaning, Chakra affirmation, Chakra Mantra, Chakra Energy, Energy, Chakra articles, Chakra Healing, Chakra Cleanse, Chakra Illustration, Chakra Base, Chakra Images, Chakra Signification, Anxiety, Anxiety Relief, Anxiety Help, Anxiety Social, Anxiety Overcoming, Anxiety Attack.
How to Heal the Third Eye Chakra; The Psychic Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
Our third eye chakra is our sixth sense, if you will. It is the center of our intuition and wisdom. Sanskrit Name: Ajna (command) Location: Forehead (generally speaking) Color: Indigo Element: All Just like animals can sense changes in the environment that we can’t, such as earthquakes and weather changes, we have the ability to sense things that are not apparent or obvious. In the past, we needed this intuition to be aware of our surroundings and predict potential threats to survive. As we’v...
Enjoy a cup of tea to soothe and declutter your mind, one emotion at a time. With each sip, clear your mind of attachments, judgements, fear, and anxiety. Give yourself permission to ask: What do I need right now?